
Mike Rowles

Mike Rowles is a creative lifer, third generation. His grandfather first staked the family’s claim in the early 1930’s on the Hollywood backlots. Mike grew up on set, and pursued his passion at the University of Michigan Art School where he majored in Film and Television and won the Student Academy Award. He then moved to LA, working on television commercials, music videos, and feature films at the side of acclaimed directors like David Fincher, Daniel Kleinman, and Tony Scott.

A visually distinctive style got Mike recognized early in his directing career for shots with photographic edge; later he added cinematographer to his skill set. Years as an AD have made Rowles a decisive director, who loves the challenge of working efficiently and effectively within the 30-second format. With a keen eye for casting and an ability to elicit genuine performances, there is an authenticity to his work. He’s brought his vivid, emotion-driven style to direct campaigns for many national brands, including American Express, Chevrolet, Google, and Time Warner. He made pop-culture history with his spot “True Colors” for Dove, which aired during Super Bowl XL and helped launch the successful Dove Campaign for Real Beauty.

Mike has been honored with Gold & Silver Lions Awards, Clio Awards, and a British Arrow Award. Rowles is a member of the Directors Guild of America and the International Cinematographers Guild.